The biggest news that JRPG fans or any RPG fans or any Square Enix fans... ANY fans of video games is that Microsoft and Square Enix has just announced that Final Fantasy XIII is coming to XBox 360.
When president of Square Enix, John Yamamoto, announced the 3 exclusive games on the Xbox 360 and left the stage, he comes back on stage and interrupts the presentation and askes if he could announce one more thing? That's when the video plays showing the trailer of Final Fantasy showing an extended version of previous trailers of the game.
It was inevitable. Sony's PS 3 was just not cutting it. With the recent release of Metal Gear Solid 4, Sony's sales was up but not as much as they thought. With Sony's recent statement "we are going to make profit", they have no plans of cutting the price. So this is probably why Square Enix sees in the market and decided to go with Microsoft.
This is not an excluxive move by Square Enix but it will definitly destroy Sony fans spirits.
This I believe will be the nail in the coffin. Microsoft fans are saying "Haha! We have Final Fantasy!!!" Will this sell more consoles in Japan? We don't know. Will this sell more consoles in America? Definitly! With 3 exclusives, Square Enix is really on the Microsoft bandwagon. All the people that had the notion of "I'll buy a PS3 when Final Fantasy XIII comes out" now will have that notion disappear.
This is really big! What do you think?
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