Tuesday, July 15, 2008

E3 Sony Update: Upstart the Conference with Resistance

Showing some games as intro anything from PSP to Playstation Network to resistance to anything playstation.

Jack Tretton, saying that it will be one heck of a press conference. We'll have to see as this goes on.

Right now he's just blabbing about the history of the Playstation.

*on standby

okay now they're getting into the PS3. Lets see what's in store...

Resistance 2 is the first game they're showing. Its running in real time. Using a bazooka with ah gigantic monster around them. Wow! These are the games we've been waiting for. Looks really grand! Graphically seems to be not as good as I expected it to be. The furniture and the ground seems to be flat and dull but the focus on the monster is really something else. Looks really promising!

8 player coop, 60 player online game experience. Something to really look forward to.

Tim ends his presentation with a latest trailer of the game.

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