Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Nex-Gen Console Sales Figures by Launch

Here is a nice little graph about the nex-gen consoles. We could say alot about this graph. This graphs, provided to us by Gamasutra, shows by the million how many of each console has been sold comparing each other of launch month by month. We could see that the Playstation 3 has out sold the 360 on the 2nd and 3rd month in the market but fall short because of disappointments. Of course this was well spread out the gaming community and people started to say "Sony said it will be worth the wait now now this? I'm just going to get a 360, kicks butt anyway." This was about the 2nd and 3rd month of the PS3 life cycle which was during the beginning of the 2nd year the XBox 360 was in market. That's where we see the big spike up of sales for the 360 at the 14th month of it's life cycle. As for the Wii, it's just dominating in sales, earning money from the start unlike Sony and Microsoft is losing money.

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