Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Studies Say MMOers are not Moles

When people think of Online Gamer or MMO Players they think of moles, people that don't socialize and stay home and do nothing but play games. Though that's party true its not entirely true.

Studies at Nothingham Trent University says that MMO players tend to be very sociable beings. They says half of the people actually meet their friend in real life and 1 out of 10 have a real relationship as being a couple or maybe just a one nighter.

40% are more comfortable talking about sensitive issues with online friends then real-life friends. Maybe because it seems more hidden. 30% are attracted to another player. I contest to this. I would bet that its more then 30% because you really get attracted to alot. Women were more towards dating with online gamers then men. Men said "i play because of astonishment, curiosity and interest". No duh I will play because I'm interested. Women play for therapeutic reasons making them more calm. And 2 out of 3 say once their partner started playing then the relationship got better. Ngaw!

Half of the peole that was interviewed said that World of Warcraft was the game of choice for MMO.

And my best part of the whole study was online teams, clans or guilds can have the same experience as real-life sports teams. This just comes to show that in the future us cyber-athletes will be known and recognized and get the same respect as real athletes.

Let this study go out to everyone and let us get closer to the respect gamers deserve.

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