Tuesday, August 14, 2007

PS3 vs 360 Madden 08

The battle between these 2 graphic hungry consoles never stops. Check out this video comparison between PS3 and XBox 360 on Madden. I love it everytime they do this. I guess Sony has never faced an opponent quite like the 360.

It seems that the 360 is more clear. I don't know if it's just the video but the PS3 seems to be very blurry and I'm not just talking about field of depth. I was said that EA game for the 360 will run at 60 fps while PS3 EA games will run at 30. It looks like that's not the case here. I guess EA was able to pull it off with this game. But USA Today said that the frame rate suffers from time to time and says if your going to buy either versions, buy the 360 because it just looks better.

"Even close-ups between play look dull when lined up against the 360's sleeker cut scenes," -USA Today

So watch the video and see for yourself. You might also want to check out the hi-res version at Gametrailers.com and download it for yourself.

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