Friday, September 14, 2007

Halo 3 and XBox 360 Predictions by Michael Pachter

Here are more predictions from the analyst of the gaming industry Michael Pachter.

XBox 360 will outsell PS3 2-1 or more for the month of September, the month of Halo 3's Finish The Fight.

Halo 3 will sell 3 million copies in the first 2 weeks of release on September 25, 2007.

XBox 360 sales is expected to be over 400,000 for the month of September.

With these predictions, Microsoft must be really smiling to their ears with these figures. It really looks like Halo 3 really is a console seller. 1.5 million pre-orders already currently reserved and yet more too come with the people that are just release day buyers. Halo 3 madness continues to go all over America. As for Japan, we can't say the same.

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