Monday, September 17, 2007

World Of Warcraft Account sells for $10,000

We know that online gaming accounts has been sold before but not as much as this. 7,000 euro dollars was the price ($9,700) for a Rogue with the best items. The character had Legendary Swords from Illidan Stormrage and 4/5 of a Tier 6 armor set. The guy that sold it, Zeuzo, is currently making another character also a Rogue.

What's more sad is that the guy that bought the account has not been seen since Sept 3. There is only a few explanations for this. One could be that he's tired of playing WoW and retired or and emergency and has to do something else or the account might of been banned because selling of accounts is not permitted in the terms and conditions of Wow. Sad!!!!

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