Saturday, September 22, 2007

Halo 3 Goodness

Lately I haven't been posting much and it's because of all the Halo 3 madness going on. I've been trying to gather some people to go with me to the Wal-Mart midnight sale for this game. I have some friends that has the game already and so the news is true that the game is already in consumer hands.

There is also an event at GameCrazy (Hollywood Video's game section) that will be giving away extra stuff like TShirts and Used games along with your purchase. Not bad!

I also saw and AD that a guy is selling the legendary edition for $250. I called him up and it was sold. Lucky or unlucky buyer?

As for the end of this article, here is a commercial for Halo 3 and wow did this give me goosebumps.

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