Sunday, September 9, 2007

US Shares Europe's PS3 Compatibility Pain

Oh so it hurts!!! The pain!!!

Not really physical pain but and not all that bad since everyone practically has a PS2 anyways so its not really all that worth mentioning but I will anyways. The backward compatibility of the PS3 80gig version of Sony suffers from the same backward compatibility of that of Europe. Here is a quote from stating some problems that may occur on some of the game.

-God of War -- 60GB: "No major problems for this title." 80GB: "During various FMV sequences throughout the title, the audio plays overlapped by static audio distortion."

-Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater -- 60GB: "No major problems for this title." 80GB: "During various FMV sequences throughout the title, the audio plays overlapped by static audio distortion." & "Throughout gameplay, the title performs at a significantly slower than normal performance speed."

-Final Fantasy X -- 60GB: "No major problems for this title." 80GB: "At various points throughout the Opening FMA sequence, the graphics jitter."

-Destroy All Humans -- 60GB: "No major problems for this title." 80GB: "At specific points during gameplay, character weapons do not function as intended."

Like I said, not all that bad.

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