Friday, August 10, 2007

Killzone 2 to Impress

After E3's debut real-time trailer, people has been okay they kinda got close, but lets see if it will really live up to it's hype. It wasn't 100% exact to the trailer they gave the previous E3 but was enough for people to forgive Sony of their "This is real-time" statement during the time later on admitting that it was a rendered footage targeting of what the PS3 can do.

Now BBC gets a hand of the game (Yes, BBC the news channel. Why? I don't know!) and tests it out and comments about it. They report the game being one of the most cinematic games ever produced in a game and the graphics are stunning (these guys probably didn't feel the betrayal we did during the E3 2005). Read more here in the actual report...

BBC Killzone 2

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